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Serviciile noastre:

   Clinica de Psihoterapie si Medicina Psihosomatica "San Raffaele" 

 ​ oferă consultații psihologice sau psihoterapii precum:


*Terapia Cognitiv-Comportamentala

*Terapia Centrata pe Persoana

*Mindfulness si Meditatie,


 *Meditatia ghidata de vindecare/Hipnoza-Hipnoterapie 

*Cristalo-terapie, *Aromaterapie, *Musicoterapie, *Terapii Holistice  

pentru orice problema pe care o aveti si vi se pare greu de depasit, precum:




Relatii: couplu, familie


Tulburari de Personalitate

Dezvoltare Personala

Adictii: droguri, jocuri video,jocuri de noroc,pornografie, tigari, alcohol etc.

Tulburari de Alimentatie: obezitate, anorexie, bulimie

Consiliere Nutritionala

Probleme de Sanatate: infertilitate, glande endocrine, gastrita, ulcer, migrene, dezechilibre hormonale, allergii, etc.  

Cancer si Boli Rare

Boli Autoimune

Chiar daca ajungi la cabinet plangand, te asigur ca inca dupa prima sedintta te vei simti reconfortat si increzator!

Natalia Buciuman-Psychologist Prof. Dr.



M-ai ajutat mult. Întâlnirile cu tine au avut ca efect catharsis... Ca o punte catre mine, determinată de condițiile trecute și eul propriu... Mulțumesc pentru progresele făcute împreună.” 
Tatiana Simion


"Professionalism and devotiune sunt doar doua dintre calitatile Natalia Buciuman, de care, fetita mea a beneficiat. Recomand cu incredere. "
Aurelia Mielcioiu



            "In momentele de neliniste si singuratate....                    este cel mai placut lucru sa ma linistesc, aici...   

din partea mea incepe 5 stele"

Benone Sandu


"I was very sad, hurt and I lost the confidence in myself, in my strength and value and Dr. Buciuman helped me enormously already only after two sessions. I am just at the beginning of the not easy journey to retrieve and to learn to love myself, but with her help I know I am on the right track and I can do it! Natalia Buciuman is a fantastic doctor and an exceptional person, I recommend with all the warmth and the trust !! 
Thank you with all my heart ❤"

Monica Angela Hasiu

I can’t thank enough to Natalia for her professionalism and help when I needed it the most. I apreciate her flexibility, patience and her aptitude to boost your confidence and offer practical advice on how to overcome any situation. You’re going to find more than a therapist, you’ll find a person who understands you and helps you find the best solution.

Cristina Balauca

Cand am crezut ca divinitatea m-a parasit atunci mi te-a scos in cale ,esti o fiinta si psihoterapeut minunat,iti multumesc ca ai adus lumina in viata mea,apelati cu incredere la orice problema aveti si nu gasiti raspuns, este persoana de care toti acum nevoie si un mentor foarte bun,mult succes in salvarea sufletelor pierdute!🙏😘

Adriana ER

A dedicated, patient therapist, who has the ability to understand the person in front of her, to show you clearly and to the point where you are. She supports me in solving emotional problems and finding answers to questions that I can not talk to others about.
A therapist who can work as well with children or adults.
I recommend her with all the love and confidence.
Thank you Natalia.

Teodora Delcea

 for more reviews and recommendations, visit:

Psychotherapy & Psychosomatic Medicine Centre "San Raffaele"
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Evenimente viitoare

  • Workshop: Thyroid Gland (a flying or a captive butterfly)
    Workshop: Thyroid Gland (a flying or a captive butterfly)
    joi, 19 mar.
    19 mar. 2020, 19:00
    Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
    19 mar. 2020, 19:00
    Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
    * According to many scientific studies, the cells of the human body respond perfectly to the electromagnetic waves that each thought produces, so that, the power of our thoughts can be harmful, manifesting itself through the manifestation of physical diseases or can be beneficial, regenerating!
  • Glanda tiroida-fluturele din aer sau fluturele din plasa?
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  • Yoga & Meditation Classes
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    Psychotherapy & Psychosomatic Medicine C
    01 aug. 2019, 19:00 – 20:00
    Psychotherapy & Psychosomatic Medicine C, United Kingdom
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    #Psiholog specializat in Medicina Psihosomatica si Psihoterapie, acreditat de British Psychological Society, cu 13 ani de experienta în terapii precum Psihanaliza, CBT, PCT, Mindfulness and Meditation, Terapia prin Hipnoza/Hipnoterapie,ofer servicii de psihoterapie/consiliere pentru orice problemă
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    Queen Mary University Of London (Stop E)
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    Queen Mary University Of London (Stop E), London E1 4PE, UK
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