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Therapeutic Contract/Agreement

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

Mental Health Private Practice

Green Farm Gardens


Therapeutic Contract/Agreement

Terms & Conditions:

I am a psychologist member of the British Psychological Society, UK. I have been working in my private practice since 2006 in Italy, Romania, and the UK. I am bound by the Codes of Ethics and Practice of the British Psychological Society, offering (individual, family, couple) psychological treatments such as: Psychoanalysis, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Person Centered Therapy health Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Life & Career Coaching, Mindfulness & Meditation , Psychodrama; that rely on the commitment and motivation from both the therapist and the patient to get the best results. Part of the treatment occurs in the consulting room and part of the treatment is cognitive reflection or homework. As a patient, when you agree to undertake a course of treatment, you also agree to engage with the process, complete any homework that you are given. It is with commitment and partnership working that you will see the best results. You also need to keep me informed of any medications, new conditions or changes to your treatment.


For professional reasons and mutual respect, the appointment will be paid by bank transfer as soon as you have made the online appointment by phone, on the site, on the Facebook page or through a private message(Facebook/Whatsapp).


It is understood that sometimes sudden events, such as emergencies, happen, that may make it necessary for patients to cancel their appointment last minute or fail to attend and are unable to provide a notification. On these occasions, it is at the therapist’s discretion if a fee will be charged. In general, however, if you fail to give less than a 24 hours notice of your intention to cancel or postpone an agreed therapy session or if there is a repeat pattern of cancellations, I reserve the right to charge in full for that session.

If you have other personal reasons and wish to cancel the appointment, you can do it 24 hours before the scheduled session and you will receive half the amount paid back. If the cancellation is made less than 24 hours before the scheduled meeting, the money will not be refunded. If the session is canceled by the therapist, you will receive the full amount of money paid, back.

Cost of first session & Additional costs:

Duration of the first session

  • 1 hour for an individual session-£175

  • 2 hours for couple therapy or family therapy, costing £300.

Payment must be made before each session by bank transfer : Sort Code is 77-95-04, Account no. 56861968, Lloyds Bank. If agreed payments for therapy are not being paid, then I reserve the right to terminate therapy.

After the first session, patient can choose a therapeutic package of minimum 10 sessions of

  • 1 hour each (10h)- £1250

  • 2 hours each(20 h)-£2200

If the patient needs online assistance between sessions (by phone, online messenger: video, writing) the psychologist is willing to assist till to 30 min daily, additional costs being added for the assistance, as follow:

7 assistance sessions/month-£350;

30 assistance sessions/month-£900.

After the first session, patient can opt for sporadic sessions (from time to time) rather than a therapeutic package, but in this case, the sessions will have the same price as the first session.

If for any reason the patient is late for a session, the psychologist will be unable to work beyond the allotted time as this will disrupt the clinic for other patients who may be waiting.

The cost of therapy includes any written materials I may supply but excludes the cost of any books that I might suggest you read. Terms and fees may be subject to change from time to time, but any change in fees will be always agreed between us in advance of the session.


Confidentiality will be maintained within the codes of ethics and legal requirements. Confidentiality may be breached if I consider there is a risk you may harm yourself or others. In such exceptional circumstances, where there is a concern for your well-being or that of others, it may be necessary to seek help outside the therapeutic relationship. In such an event where I am considering breaching confidentiality, you will normally be consulted first.

Our therapeutic relationship will remain a professional one at all times.

Notes may be taken during and after each session, which will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998) and subsequent GDPR General Data Protection Register. These notes will be securely stored. I will discuss the disposal, retention or otherwise of any such notes at the end of our engagement. You have the right to inspect your records should you so wish, and this request will be fulfilled during a therapy session.


The therapy can at times be demanding, frustrating, and emotional. You may at times find this process very difficult and feel the need to end therapy. Your feedback on the process will be asked for at the end of each session and if you feel unhappy with any aspects of the treatment being offered please do try and communicate this verbally. This gives us both the chance to address and resolve engagement issues. In the normal course of events, you will probably know when you are ready to finish the therapy, and we will agree together on the work we need to do to prepare for this.

I will not suddenly or without warning terminate our contract, except in exceptional circumstances, which would become clear in the course of the/our work together. This would be fully discussed at that time. Please note any threats or acts of violence will invalidate this agreement and the therapy will cease. Sessions will not take place if you arrive under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed medication.

You will be notified of any holidays to be taken by myself well in advance. However, there may also be occasions when sessions may be canceled because of illness or because of attending training sessions or meetings. I will try to give you as much notice as possible of any cancellation and will offer an alternative time. Therefore, please notify any change in contact details.

You may terminate therapy without further cost at any time you wish.

Therapist & Patient’s consent:

Patient's name & signature:

Psychotherapy & Psychosomatic Medicine Centre "San Raffaele”

Natalia Buciuman PSYCHOLOGIST

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