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illness and health

ME: If I am what I eat, what I consume, then everything I absorb from the outside world in terms of information, emotion and inputs, will determine my energetic state, since what I consume is energy that becomes part of my reserve. energy. So, if what comes to me has a low vibration, even if I do many positive things like yoga, meditation or am a good person, my body will constantly be nourished with low vibration.

SOY: It's like putting the cheapest and most homemade gasoline you can find in a car that you use to volunteer and community service. No matter how good you are and what you do with the car, if the fuel is bad, you won't get anywhere.

ME: Sure... That's why it's important to eat well.

SOY: And as we said, eating well is not eating what others eat because it is good for them, but rather eating what is good for your body. Just as there are different types of fuel for different types of cars, there are different foods for different bodies. Becoming aware of what you eat and why will improve your machinery. But not only in terms of physical food, because remember that food is only a physical expression of energy. Then you have the fluid form of energy which is emotion and the bonds that also nourish you. Sometimes a loving hug nourishes a body much more than a huge banquet. A good idea and conversation fills a stomach with strength more than eating breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.

ME: Everything is energy in different states. What happens when all the energy received is negative?

SOY: The same thing that happens when all the energy you receive is positive.

ME: …What would it be…

SOY: You get sick.

ME: How is it possible that I get sick with positive energy?

SOY: You have a very strange and dual concept of what “positive energy” is. Culturally you have given this statement a connotation of goodness, of well-being, of success, due to the fact that positive means "that is placed before me", from the Latin "positus", "ponere", therefore that which is explicitly perceived. , it is contemplated and I can touch and see. On the other hand, negative comes from “negare” which means “that is not there.” Therefore, that which I cannot see or touch. In the curves of a wave, the upper cusp is called positive, and the lower curvature is called negative, in a concept that what is above is what is seen and what is below is what is hidden and is not seen. . It is understood?

ME: Sure, I understand.

I AM: Thus, energy manifests itself in these two ways. Now, let's try to understand it in a more physical and chemical way. In an atom, protons are particles with a positive energetic charge, and electrons are particles with a negative charge. But what happens if many protons are left loose in the environment, in a compound, having lost their electrons?

ME: That there will be a lot of positive charge in a compound.

SOY: And that means...?

ME: That the “pH” will be very acidic and harmful to health.

SOY: And have you heard people say how positive it is to have many negative ions in the environment?

ME: Yes, many times… Why?

SOY: Because the negative components clean the air, improve respiratory circulation, digestive functioning among other things. That is to say, here the negative is positive and the positive is negative.

ME: Everything is very relative…

SOY: Exactly. Because you have given a dual and moral connotation to something that does not have one. An overload of positive energy in your body turns your body into an energetically acidic environment, in which everything you have begins to decompose. If you only receive negative energy, what will happen is that you will never be able to capture anything, and you will always be trying to complete what you are missing. The balance of both is essential. Its imbalance is the Disease.

ME: What is the disease?

SOY: In Latin “in fermare”, it means “to stand firm”, which conceptually we would translate as “to stop”. In English, the word “disease” also comes from Latin: “dis” (unlike) and “iacere” (stay in one place), the concept is that “stay” is a synonym for tranquility, for comfort. Therefore, when referring to the opposite of comfort, it means disagreement, unrest, that is, “leaving the comfort zone.” In both languages, there is something that stops, that becomes still, that no longer moves or that enters into crisis by moving and breaking its rigidity. Getting sick implies that everything is so full of energy that there is nothing new circulating, so the energy stagnates, stops, becomes rigid.

ME: In other words, illness should not be understood as a synonym for weakness, but rather for rigidity, in which energy concepts, whether mental, emotional or physical, begin to stop.

SOY: Getting sick is something that tries to let us know that there is something that is not moving correctly inside. On the one hand, when getting sick, the body must understand two things: one, that there is something that was not moving, although it does not logically understand what, perhaps something old, ancestral, that I must try to understand to free it and give it movement again. , (because remember that cells do not understand the division of the 3 times). For bodies, past, present and future are all here and now, and what your ancestors experienced is still alive in the memory of your cells. And two, that during this period, the body must rest and stop, stay still and enter a process of hibernation, meditation and paying serious attention to the body's reactions. Humans, when they get sick, try to cure themselves to continue with their lives, and the only thing they do with this is deny that the body is warning us of a problem, that by healing ourselves without consciousness, we are only kicking it forward or to the future generations (in the same way that it has come to you today).

ME: Yes, we've all done this. Wanting to heal ourselves. I remember that when my grandmother told me that she had cancer, I told her: “there are two paths you can choose: cure yourself or heal yourself. The first one may be short, but it will only cause more problems in other parts of the body that you will have to continue dealing with. The second is a long path, but it will lead you to liberate yourself beyond life, for all eternity.” 

SOY: Curar comes from the word “cura”, in Latin, which means: to care for. This word takes responsibility away from the patient in favor of making the other person responsible for taking care of them. The word Sanar in Spanish comes from “sensatus”, meaning that it is based on your senses, and is coherent in its actions, which gives rise to the word “sanity” in English, being sane. Both make up the concept of “Health”, which originates from the word “Salus” which means Salvation. Greeting, in Spanish, has the same origin, as it meant that you wished salvation to the other so that he could reach the kingdom of Heaven in the final judgment. In English, “Health,” like the verb heal, comes from the Indo-European “kailo,” which means “totality, complete, good omen.” That is, it implies recognizing that all parts are in harmony, nothing is left over or missing.

ME: It's balanced... Safe.

SOY: So illness and health are not opposites and must find a balance. Illness is the mechanism of stopping to think about what you were not paying attention to and did not take care of or resolve and now is the time to do it no matter what. While the process of Health is to find balance between all parts, harmony, putting things in their place, being coherent, sensible.

ME: In a certain way, excesses of positive or negative energy lead us to get sick, and many times this is inherited. That is, we can get sick in the name of our ancestors because the cells are part of the entire family tree and do not represent individuals but rather a lineage. In turn, we can become ill due to our own inability to manage excesses or shortages of our own energy, in food or in the connections and information we receive every day. But what happens when the diseases are foreign to me? Like in this pandemic, for example.

SOY: Nothing is foreign. Humanity is an organ within a larger organism called Earth. The Earth is sick, that is, it has many conflicts to resolve that are in its cells, in humans. Imagine the Earth as a lady who gets sick and doesn't know why. But the reason is in their cells that contain information from the past, humans. Many of its cells, even though we are in the 21st century, continue to live based on hominid survival as they did 300,000 years ago. The same pattern. Therefore, these cells do not understand progress, present or future, everything happens here and now. Because of this, the Earth became sick, the fever rose (global warming), viruses spread (including Covid 19); Many cancer cells devour other organs to live off their energy (devastation of ecosystems), and therefore, the Earth needed to stop, put all its sick cells in quarantine. This 2020 you are seeing what happens when a planet gets sick. They are all one organism. It has nothing to do with whether someone is good or bad, whether you do things right or wrong. It doesn't go through there, it goes through the strength and adaptability of your cell to multiply and transcend the virus. Virile, strong, virulent, violent, it is an aggressive stage of the being in which it tries to defend itself and survive. This time of detention is a time in which the Earth has become sick, stopping each human being, now, the only way to heal and find health is by placing things in their corresponding place, by being coherent and responsible, acting with sanity and find harmony in the acts of civilization. Likewise in individuals. Being in a high vibration does not keep you from being part of the whole, of the organism, but rather gives you the responsibility to strengthen yourself and demonstrate what you can do to transcend it. We are one.

ME: I understand... Understanding ourselves as One makes us come out of the separation that makes us look for a cure, that makes us believe that if I vibrate high this will not happen to me, it will only happen to others... The key is to all be part of the organism and take responsibility in healing it, in finding balance between all of them, like our body does.

I AM: Every illness, whether of ancestral, personal or external cause, comes to you as a reaction to your actions and your resonance. We are never innocent of the things that happen to us, we are always responsible in one way or another. The question is the same one you asked your grandmother: “Which path will you take: that of cure or that of healing?”

ME: To heal myself, then, I must look at life as my cells do, contemplate past, present and future, and by projecting myself into the future I am manifesting the will to move, to get out of the state of "illness", still knowing that He himself is the one who explains to me the how and the why.

SOY: Coherence is the only key to healing. Never look at illness as a defeat, but as an opportunity to open your eyes to what you were ignoring due to ignorance. Illness is the second opportunity to stop, inspire, and take a new step, this time with greater understanding and wisdom. Greater freedom. Salvation can only come when you see illness as part of healing and not as its defeat.

ME: My path, then, is a constant path of healing with intermittent moments of illness, like a path to the top of a mountain that requires me to stop every so often to take a breath and contemplate.

SOY: Do you remember Mount Kailash?

ME: “Are you willing to Die?”, that was Merlin's phrase before reaching 7000 meters high.

SOY: You were afraid of dying... How many times did you stop?

ME: Many. But I got over it. I never stopped despite the cold, fever and headache. Death was part of my birth that day. When I stopped to stare at him, I knew that my whole life had stopped for an instant, I felt like I was dying, and then I realized that death was my own path.

I AM: Do you agree to be Faithful and Respect Yourself, in Abundance and Scarcity, in Healing and Sickness, Loving and Caring for You even beyond Death Sets You Free?

ME: Yes, I accept…

I AM: Then I declare to you… I and I AM.

Matias de Stefano

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