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 Who I AM


      Before to be a psychologist, I am a human being with a lot of love for people. I am passionate about knowledge, understanding the miracles of this world and especially of the human mind and behaviour. I am a psychologist, nutritionist, professor, holistic healer accredited by the British Psychological Society with 18 years of psychotherapy experience including Psychoanalysis, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Person-centered Therapy (PCT), Meditation and Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy.

I have set up this medical center to help and support you! <3

If you are in physical, mental or maybe emotional pain, when you feel that all your doors are shut, everything is in the van and makes no sense, leave a message on the page! It would be enough for me to realize you need someone to understand your problem without judging you. I rely heavily on the idea that people are different due to their unique past and I will never apply the same kind of therapy to my patients. I like to combine the therapies mentioned above with the gravity and specificity of the problem that the patient is experiencing.

There is always a chance to get you back from anything. It is important to believe and take the first step which will help you then understand how to do the second. For more information, you can contact me through a private message.

Thank you!

Natalia Alexandra Buciuman

Psychologist Prof. Dr.



Natalia Buciuman:


  • Psychologist(PHD)

  • Health Counsellor

  • Nutritionist

  •  Hypnotherapist

  • Mindfulness &Meditation Instructor

  •  Mentor

  • Life Coach

  • Vocational Counsellor

  • Professor

  • Artist

  • Author

  • Facebook

Upcoming Events

  • Workshop: Thyroid Gland (a flying or a captive butterfly)
    Workshop: Thyroid Gland (a flying or a captive butterfly)
    Thu, 19 Mar
    19 Mar 2020, 19:00
    Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
    19 Mar 2020, 19:00
    Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
    * According to many scientific studies, the cells of the human body respond perfectly to the electromagnetic waves that each thought produces, so that, the power of our thoughts can be harmful, manifesting itself through the manifestation of physical diseases or can be beneficial, regenerating!
  • Glanda tiroida-fluturele din aer sau fluturele din plasa?
    Glanda tiroida-fluturele din aer sau fluturele din plasa?
    Tue, 17 Mar
    17 Mar 2020, 19:00 – 22:00
    Hilsea, Hilsea, Portsmouth, UK
    17 Mar 2020, 19:00 – 22:00
    Hilsea, Hilsea, Portsmouth, UK
    *Glanda tiroida are forma unui fluture si se afla la baza gatului! Sufletul are nevoie de libertate! Va strange ceva de gat? Asta se jntampla cand nu sunteti multumiti de ceea ce faceti, de viata pe care o aveti si de cat de mult ati lasat fraiele din mana pentru a fi condusi de altcineva.
  • Counselling / Couple Therapy
    Counselling / Couple Therapy
    Sat, 18 Jan
    18 Jan 2020, 19:00 – 30 Jan 2020, 23:00
    Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
    18 Jan 2020, 19:00 – 30 Jan 2020, 23:00
    Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
    2 sessions for the price of an one 50% off
  • Yoga & Meditation Classes
    Yoga & Meditation Classes
    Thu, 01 Aug
    Psychotherapy & Psychosomatic Medicine C
    01 Aug 2019, 19:00 – 20:00
    Psychotherapy & Psychosomatic Medicine C, United Kingdom
    01 Aug 2019, 19:00 – 20:00
    Psychotherapy & Psychosomatic Medicine C, United Kingdom
    Yoga, the science of the body and Meditation, the perfect science of the spirit! The classes that inspire your life, your mood, your journey! The meditation that is more than a pray! ♥
  • Psychotherapy sessions in Brighton
    Psychotherapy sessions in Brighton
    Tue, 27 Nov
    27 Nov 2018, 15:00 – 21:00
    Brighton, Brighton, UK
    27 Nov 2018, 15:00 – 21:00
    Brighton, Brighton, UK
  • Therapy sessions in Bristol
    Therapy sessions in Bristol
    Sun, 25 Nov
    25 Nov 2018, 15:00 – 22:00
    Bristol, Bristol, UK
    25 Nov 2018, 15:00 – 22:00
    Bristol, Bristol, UK
    #Psiholog specializat in Medicina Psihosomatica si Psihoterapie, acreditat de British Psychological Society, cu 13 ani de experienta în terapii precum Psihanaliza, CBT, PCT, Mindfulness and Meditation, Terapia prin Hipnoza/Hipnoterapie,ofer servicii de psihoterapie/consiliere pentru orice problemă
  • Therapy sessions in London
    Therapy sessions in London
    Wed, 07 Nov
    Queen Mary University Of London (Stop E)
    07 Nov 2018, 16:00 – 20:00
    Queen Mary University Of London (Stop E), London E1 4PE, UK
    07 Nov 2018, 16:00 – 20:00
    Queen Mary University Of London (Stop E), London E1 4PE, UK
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